Walk-In Immigrant Support Service
January 6, 2024 2024-01-06 15:05Walk-In Immigrant Support Service
Walk-In Immigrant Support Service
With open arms and a welcoming atmosphere, the walk-in Immigrant Support Service offers invaluable assistance and support to asylum seekers, refugees and all immigrants regardless of their immigration status including those with No Recourse to Public Funds who are navigating the complexities of immigration processes. Knowledgeable and passionate staff members with lived experience are on hand to answer questions and support service users to the best of their ability. This dedicated service serves as a beacon of integration, fosters a sense of belonging, empowers and enables immigrants to navigate their new lives with confidence and ease.

Issues we support include;
- Poor mental health which includes provision of counseling, psychotherapy and psychosocial support
- Cost-of-living challenges
- Challenges experienced by young immigrants and their families
- Immigration related issues including access to solicitors (paid or legal aid), support with Home Office applications, interviews, appeals and judicial reviews
- Socio-economic issues – housing, health care, financial hardship etc
- Social inclusion and integration – engagement in community and faith activities
- Employment (paid & unpaid), education and training
Get in Touch
Address: First Floor, Room F03, Dagenham Learning Centre (Dagenham Library), 1 Church Elm Lane, Dagenham, RM10 9QS
Time: Monday – Friday, 10:00 -16:00
Medium: In-person, individual or family consultation
Email address: referrals@ucts.org.uk / therapy@ucts.org.uk Tel- 0208 594 1514